Finding And Participating in Medical Trials In Singapore Has Been Made Much Simpler – cytomed

Finding And Participating in Medical Trials In Singapore Has Been Made Much Simpler

Singapore has launched a one-stop digital portal to streamline and consolidate information and research studies on the safety and efficacy of trial drugs, treatments and medical devices.

The portal, Clinical Trials Singapore (CTSG) is managed by the Singapore Clinical Research Institute (SCRI).  It is designed to allow individuals easier access and options, as well as information needed by physicians before deciding on a patient’s suitability for medical trials.

Currently, the portal includes 338 trials, each one including a short description of the study, and the criteria that must be met by potential participants.

Prior to the launch of the new portal, information on clinical trials was generally customized for research professionals and principal investigators. Now, with the new portal, the public has access to medial trial information independent of their physician.

Speaking on the launch of the portal, Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat noted to The Straits Times that “Singapore must invest more in trials centered on upstream disease prevention. The Republic should also leverage new health-tech innovations and tap clinical trials to advance more sustainable healthcare systems.”

Dr. Wee Kiat Tan, co-CEO of Singapore-based Cytomed Therapeutics (NASDAQ: GDTC) said, “The new portal developed by the SRCI could very well lead to a boon in new drug development. Before the portal was created, it was actually not a simple process to find qualified trial candidates.

Now, with the portal, new drugs, therapies and devices that are in trial can be rather easily seen by people who are actively searching. Because of this, it is my belief that Singapore is on the forefront of new drug and therapy development.

“By streamlining the process of candidate discovery and qualification, it is possible we could see the entire trials system become far more efficient.”

Read more about Singapore’s new trials portal HERE

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