Shareholder Benefits – cytomed

Shareholder Benefits

CytoMed Therapeutics Limited is thrilled to offer our shareholders with exclusive benefits including:

Unlimited consultations with our network of doctors & scientists on treatment modalities in Singapore & Malaysia

Companies occasionally offer their products on favourable terms to their shareholders as in-kind benefit and some raise funds by offering future royalties from their products. Shareholders in biotechnology are conceivably long-term investors and should not expect cash dividend in the near term. To reward them for their patient capital, we can consider a benefit in-kind scheme where our shareholders in our listed shares can have access to our therapeutics in future including participation in our partners’ clinical trials and based on no-option named patient, compassionate basis as un-met needs or when approved in future. It is to be noted none of our therapeutics is approved by any regulators at present. This offer also enables us to better understand the needs of international patients. You can enquire further by contacting us through our website.

If you or your immediate legal family member has no conventional treatment option and upon your doctor’s advice and approval on alternative therapy, we will ask for a written medical letter from your doctor as proof of necessity on no-option basis. Upon your request and informed consent, we will work directly with your healthcare provider or clinical researcher to gain access to our therapeutics as needed.

For more information, Contact Us
